Understanding the Different Types of Pre-Employment Health Tests

As Dr. Badrul of Klinik Primaria Senawang 24 Jam, I recognize the importance of pre-employment health screenings for both employers and employees. In this article, we will explore the various types of pre-employment health tests and their significance for company management in Senawang.

The Importance of Pre-Employment Health Screenings

Pre-employment health screenings help employers identify potential health risks and ensure that the candidates are physically and mentally fit for the job. These tests can also help reduce workplace absenteeism, improve employee retention, and maintain a safe working environment.

health screening senawang

Types of Pre-Employment Health Tests

There are several types of pre-employment health tests that companies may require as part of their hiring process:

  1. General Physical Examination: This involves a thorough assessment of the candidate’s overall health, including vital signs, heart, lungs, and abdomen.

  2. Blood Tests: Blood tests can reveal various health conditions, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and infectious diseases. Common tests include complete blood count (CBC), blood sugar, and lipid profile.

  3. Urine Analysis: Urine tests help detect kidney problems, diabetes, and drug abuse.

  4. Vision and Hearing Tests: These tests evaluate the candidate’s vision and hearing abilities, ensuring they meet the job requirements.

  5. Drug and Alcohol Screening: Drug and alcohol tests help maintain a drug-free workplace and ensure employee safety.

  6. Mental Health Assessment: This assessment identifies any potential mental health issues that may impact the candidate’s job performance.

  7. Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE): FCE measures the candidate’s ability to perform specific job tasks and helps determine any necessary accommodations.

  8. Immunization Status: Certain jobs may require proof of vaccination against specific diseases, such as hepatitis B or tuberculosis.

Tailoring Health Screenings to Your Company's Needs

At Klinik Primaria Senawang, we understand that each company has unique needs. We offer customizable health screening packages, ranging from RM60 to RM100, which include 10 screenings such as full body checks, heart, blood, liver, urine, thyroid, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, HIV, STD, COVID, cholesterol, kidney, cancer screenings, and more. For more information on our health promotion services, visit here.

Choosing the Right Health Screening Provider

When selecting a health screening provider, it’s essential to choose one with qualified doctors, like Dr. Badrul, and a reputable clinic, such as Klinik Primaria Senawang. Consider factors like the range of services offered, affordability, and the clinic’s reputation.


Pre-employment health screenings play a vital role in maintaining a healthy and productive workforce. By understanding the different types of health tests available and working with a trusted health screening provider, you can ensure the well-being of your employees and the success of your company

Frequently Asked Questions About Pre-Employment Health Screenings

As a comprehensive guide for company management in Senawang, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions about pre-employment health screenings:

While not mandatory for all companies, some industries or job positions may require specific health screenings as part of their hiring process. It is always a good practice for employers to conduct pre-employment health tests to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.

Employers can reject candidates if their health conditions may pose a significant risk to themselves or others in the workplace, or if they are unable to perform the essential job functions even with reasonable accommodations. However, it is essential to comply with relevant anti-discrimination laws and maintain the candidate’s confidentiality.

The turnaround time for health screening results varies depending on the tests performed. In most cases, results are available within a few days to a week.

The responsibility for covering the cost of pre-employment health screenings may vary depending on the company’s policy. Some employers cover the cost, while others may require candidates to pay for the tests.

The frequency of health screenings may depend on the nature of the job and the specific industry. Some companies may choose to conduct regular health screenings, while others may perform them only when necessary or required by law.

Doctor discussing health screening results with a patient

Get Started with Pre-Employment Health Screenings Today

Investing in pre-employment health screenings is essential for creating a healthy, safe, and productive work environment. At Klinik Primaria Senawang, we offer a range of health screening services tailored to your company’s needs. Schedule an appointment for your pre-employment checkups at our body checkup service today and take the first step towards ensuring the well-being of your workforce.

Contact Klinik Primaria Senawang 24 Jam to schedule your pre-employment health screenings and give your company the competitive edge in maintaining a healthy, productive workforce.


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